Breaking Out
Being a graphic designer is wonderful, you get to creatively express unique ideas, collaborate with different individuals or brands, and no two jobs are ever the same. There is, however, a struggle to design that you can't be taught in university or in textbooks, it comes from experience and throwing yourself into your chosen industry.
I promised myself that this year was to be doubt-free and optimistic, but at the end of the day we are only human. I still have moments that consume me where I question my value as a graphic designer and my talent. This is devastating for me as I chose my career at such a young age, and I feel it is every bit apart of my identity.
I'm writing this post as I believe I'm not the only one out there who wakes up to days like this. For me, I manage a fashion concession brand full-time and I freelance my design services every other hour. I like to keep busy, so this lifestyle suits me. The goal is to grow my freelancing into full-time work, so I continue to hang in there in the hope all of the hard work pays off. Having such an amazing support network feeds my fire too...they're the ones that reassure, critique and encourage me to move forward with my dreams.
I would love to see how other individuals are making it work for them, and what struggles they have seen on their journey to getting there. Please email, comment or get in touch!